5. Sex It Right

Photo by luizclas from Pexels

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“I know that if I just lose some weight, I will be one of the hottest girls,” her friend said.
“I am closing in on my mid-30s and I still haven’t done it,” said another one.

She wondered what is making these two strong, independent women who are close to a decade apart, deal with similar challenges.

Both are in two very different and yet similar life situations. While one is just looking for a boyfriend the other is looking to find a husband. The shots however, are still called by the male in the scenario.

Want a boyfriend? Lose some weight so that you are attractive enough for a man.
Want a husband? Don’t be fooled by the false illusion that your choices, wants and demands are of any importance. The man will lay down his rules and you will have to find ways to obey them.

Obviously, it is not so blunt in real life, but the gist of it is the same. Sugar coating won’t turn an arm-twist into a handshake.


Growing up, we have all watched movies like ‘The 40-Year-Old Virgin’ and ‘Bridget Jones Diary’. Both the movies in a way shame or make fun of the protagonist who hasn’t had a sexual experience during the society stipulated “acceptable age”.

If you are an Indian or have a favourable knowledge about Indian parenting, you would know that this “acceptable age” is the day you get married. Of course, the times are changing and kids are discovering things on their own. So, even if one starts dating at the age of 16, they will still pretend to be naïve at 26 in front of their parents.

I wonder why we have such a stigma about sex in our society. To start off, due to the lack of proper sex education, teenagers are out to fetch for themselves. If in the process they explore their sexuality, it is a ‘hawww’ moment. If they don’t explore their sexuality in their teen years, then they may be ridiculed within their friend circle. So in either situation, one has to face wrath somewhere.


  1. The stigma troubles the youth for long. Rather it should be the choice of individual

  2. Nice post.Keep sharing. Thanks for sharing.


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