2. Too early to get married?

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Three years have passed.

It was a breeze, she ensured that she made the most of her college life, learnt everything possible during her academic years, submitted projects and assignments on time, actively participated in college fests and other events, was the class representative for all three years, completed three internships and all was well.

The professor and she had also started texting each other – harmless, cute to an extent.
It couldn’t go any further anyway, she already had a boyfriend. They had been dating for close to 5 years then. Things weren’t great with them at the moment but they were still working it out. Rahul was six years elder to her, obviously he always reached different stages of life before she did. The only ‘grown up’ thing that she did before Rahul was earn money; she had been working in plays as a child actress. Acting never really came to her naturally but it was something she explored as a hobby, always knowing that she wanted to write for a living.

So, Rahul was now in the ‘Wedding Phase’ all his friends were getting married or popping kids and his family also had started pressurising him to get married. Now that everyone knew that they have been dating for 5 years, they easily assumed that we will tie knot soon.

She was however in a different frame of mind, she wanted to study, secure a career, live life like a strong professional independent woman and then get married. You know, live a life before tying the knot – she didn’t want to just move from her maternal home to her husband’s home – she wanted to explore living on her own as well. Not that she didn’t want to get married to Rahul, she just, wanted some more time.

The pressure was stressing her out and it was affecting her mental peace and harmony. She started getting annoyed at the smallest of the things, started avoiding visiting Rahul’s home or even getting intimate with him, hung out with friends a little less just because she didn’t want to constantly keep defending herself for delaying the wedding.


  1. Oh its a series .... Nice .... that wantb to live alone independantly.... its special

  2. Keep on working, great job!


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